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English Bookclub 4 - Agatha Christie, August 2020

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English Bookclub 4 - Agatha Christie, August 2020 Empty English Bookclub 4 - Agatha Christie, August 2020

Message  steph Sam 19 Sep - 16:44

We were 3 to discuss Mrs Christine's work at the public library. Everybody talked about their experience with her works, especially her most famous play "the mouse trap", that as been the longest continuous running play in the world, in London, but has stop with the lock down.
We also talked about her life, and her mysterious disappearance during 10 days that she never explained.
Next meeting on Saturday, September 19 : Jack Kerouac "On the road", 10am at Calais public library


Messages : 17
Lieu : Calais
Langues : français (langue mater) Gb

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